21 October 2007

Systematic creativity?

I joined a workshop about creativity thinking some days ago and became quite impressed. I'll explain you why. The Israeli company SIT developed a methodology for creating innovative ideas based upon the idea that innovations share a certain pattern. (The basis for this thinking comes from a Russian engineer who analysed thousands of patents). Starting as a tool for engineering Systematic Inventive Thinking has now become a tool to the advertising world. It identifies five ways of thinking that explain 70% of all successful innovations. Innovation and creativity can for example be achieved by taking away certain product features, or by combining some. In doing so SIT follows five principles of which "form follows function" is probably the best known.

SIT analysed winning advertising Print campaigns at the Cannes Advertising Festival and came to the conclusion that in 2000 77% could be explained via a SIT tool. In advertising ten creative techniques like extreme result, metaphor, inversion or extreme promise are used to present products. Winning Print campaigns use in 38% of the cases extreme result as technique. Not only does SIT help to be creative and innovative it also helps in analysing creativity. I find it a most helpful tool in my work.

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