31 August 2008

CMO's promote IOD's (?)

New words and acronyms are regularly added to our marketing jargon: individualised offer delivery (IOD) is one of the latest. This term is used to refer to Transpromo; the integration of promotional offers on statements and bills. In the USA, Transpromo is getting a lot of attention from various parties. However it requires a serious investigation of organisational structures, IT structures, costs of accounting and marketing workflows. Because of the impact of Transpromo the US-based Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council has launched an initiative to identify best practices called Precision Promotion: Timely, Targeted and Trackable.
I'm currently involved in a project on Transpromo and experience that this initiative is exactly what is required. This is the first time I read about a marketing organisation investigating and promoting the use a specific marketing communication tool. A truly great initiative.
Introducing Transpromo will not happen on a managers level, it will need full support from the top of that organisation. CMO Council represents global operating companies like AT&T, Google, CSC, Boston Consulting Group and others with a total membership of 3.500 in 52 countries. The Precision Promotion initiative from CMO Council is sponsored by a major supplier - Infoprint Solutions Ricoh | IBM - and plans to present at the CMO Summit in December a report on the results of a 25-point marketing audit.

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