26 January 2009

Do newspapers offer own view?

Dutch research confirms what many fear: the strong position of news provided by news agencies and PR companies. It was estimated that almost 32% of all Dutch news was not written by the journalists of newspapers. The news articles were provided by the news agencies or PR companies. Cost reductions and the time pressure in the print room force journalists to look for easier solutions to produce copy. The research was inspired by a UK study, which was the basis for the book by Nick Davies called Flat Earth News.
In a media landscape with increased interest in news from online consumers, and a reduced interest in printed news, one might question whether this is the right strategy for the printed newspapers. Doesn't this strategy slowly kill the independence of the newspapers, reduce the quality of the news, lessen the interest of readers and minimise the attractiveness of the newspaper for the advertiser? Sounds almost like a self-fulfilling prophesy from Andrew Keen.

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