10 March 2008

Kodak defines "business of marketing"

"Marketing is the neural system of the company, and the critical business function", says Kevin Joyce, the new Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of Kodak Graphic Communication Group. He puts marketing at the center of the company and underlines its role of creating value. He sees a clear task for Kodak and the entire industry to move upstream and to help customers to understand the role of print and to advice on how best to leverage print. The focus on the business of marketing will help Kodak to change the perception of producing a commodity. An interview with Joyce reads like an interview with a marketer from a FMCG company.
Next to the output devices as the Speedmasters, Kodak will put more emphasis on workflow tools that provide productivity and revenues. Key in this strategy is the capability of Kodak to get respect and gain credibility for its position as a service provider.
This is not an easy tasks as plenty of other players fulfill this role today. Initiatives as Print Sells and Sappi's Life with Print also promote the use of print media by the advertising industry and are changing the way the industry talks with its main clients.

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